explore our services
At The Center of One our clients explore their beliefs through a process we call "ascended vantage point" to understand energy. Our specialized sessions help you evolve and give you the tools to empower your own happiness as success.
Explore Heather's growing A-Z portfolio of energy modalities — your pathway to personal fulfillment begins here.
Attunement is a powerful meditation process that teaches us to access the power of healing, wisdom and divinity within ourselves. Our COO Attunement Coaches will identify and remove negative energy lodged in your aura, and teach you the awareness tools needed to bring forth profound growth and enlightenment in your life.
Through this highly experiential process you are brought into a state of consciousness where you will leave the domain of the mind, and access the organic wholeness deep within your body. We will teach you to access the faculties of perception beyond mind, imagination and intuition, and to live from “the awareness” that is not a continuation of your mind or ego.
Through the attunement process we will guide you beyond your beliefs, ideas, and stories of your life, and into the power of yourself as Soul. We call this space of trusting, accepting and receiving the Transformational Consciousness. Here your Soul becomes your experience. Your Transformational Consciousness is not something you have to develop, or diligently work toward, it is already fully available. It is your Sacred Being, your Presence, and when accessed, your spiritual body has the ability to transform how you think, feel, and act.
awakening breath
Awaken your body and mind through COO’s dynamic breath work classes. The goal of our breath therapy is to guide you into achieving a greater sense of self-awareness and capacity for self-healing. Our invigorating technique synchronizes breath, vocal release, and movement to expand mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and unlock your bliss—that part of you that is pure happiness, freedom and wholeness.
Awakening breath clears your mind and reconnects you with your sacred purpose. It empowers you to freedom. Through Awakening Breath you will learn to love and accept yourself, and liberate yourself from insecurities and judgments. You will feel more present, more at ease, and more energized.
awakening of the yoni
Yoni Awakening is a tantric massage practice for awakening and enhancing a woman’s innate sensual, emotional, and spiritual energies.
“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, but Yoni Awakening expands beyond anatomy, encompassing the energetic and spiritual dimensions of the feminine.
Often in our culture women experience deep rooted inhibitions around sexuality, due to the ethos associating sexual expression with immorality, shame and guilt. These inhibitions create energy barriers that prevent women from fully expressing themselves.
COO’s Yoni Massage is designed to help women recognize and overcome these barriers and reconnect their innermost core and deepest feminine nature. Yoni massage is a hands-on technique that combines with deep breath work and visualization to release, and direct sensual energy throughout the body. The practice cleanses and energetically stimulates the chakras, releasing traumatic memories stored in the yoni and promoting emotional healing.
body awareness movement
Body awareness movement creates an opportunity for us to reconnect with ourselves, mind, body, emotions, and to breathe and regulate our energy and stress in better ways.
Body Awareness Movement is intuitive yoga. Our BAM instructor guides us through meditation into the body, creating space for listening to our bodies and move into embodiment.
Our BAM class begins with breathing. As we move and breathe, we begin to notice the subtle influences the breath has on the body, and we learn to listen more deeply to your body.
Body awareness teaches us to orient our bodies to their surrounding environments, and in doing so we become more aware of this amazing form we live in, the body that intimately connects us to the world we navigate.
Awareness Movement increases muscle strength, flexibility and range of motion. Each posture is repeated on both the right and left side of the body. This repetition is thought to harmonize the left and right hemisphere of the brain.
biomagnetic therapy
All living Organisms produce a magnetic field. We call this phenomenon Biomagnetism. Biomagnetic Therapy is an all-natural, noninvasive therapy that consists of the placement of special, rare earth magnets of precise strength and polarity on specific parts of the body to balance pH.
Biomagnetic Therapy combines microbiology, pathophysiology, physics, and kinesiology into a simple, noninvasive therapy.
At COO our therapists use biomagnetics to treat back pain and joint pain, and offer a specialized biomagnetic technique to help clients manage anxiety and depression and aid in trauma recovery.
crystal healing
Crystal Healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs stones and crystals as healing tools. Our COO practitioners place crystals on different parts of your body, corresponding to chakras, meridians, specific spots and/or around the body in order to create a crystalline grid that promotes balance and well being.
Crystals are fractal, this means they have a perfect geometric molecular structure. Having a low entropy point or low complexity means that crystals actually make more energy available for our body system, therefore facilitating the change of our frequencies into a higher vibration. Crystals help us balance our emotional, energetic and physical bodies.
As humans we have high entropy, which means our energy can be easily disrupted by internal and external factors. In our universe The Law of Entropy suggests that as time passes, less and less energy will become available for use. In some respects, Entropy is equivalent to the arrow of time. Crystals on the other hand have the lowest state of entropy, this helps us bring balance to our own frequencies, making it easier to feel centered and grounded.
Crystal healing is very powerful and coupled with any energetic healing modality crystals will promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing, by interacting with your body's energy field, or chakra. Crystal healing helps alleviate stress and improves concentration or creativity.
emotional freedom techniques
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a revolutionary, alternative treatment that offers healing from physical pain, emotional distress and disease. It is often referred to as “tapping” or psychological acupressure, however, there are no needles in EFT. This form of acupuncture uses the fingertips to stimulate and balance energy points on the body to release discomfort and bring ease.
Negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body's energy system. EFT works by tapping on acupressure meridians to release these blockages. When these obstructions are freed, the troubling feelings are released to move through the body.
EFT is a very effective way of clearing out fears, phobias, negative associations, and resistances. Think about what is preventing you from feeling good or reaching your peak performance. What is holding you back from love, or prosperity? When these undesirable emotional blockages are released, you will feel limitless in your expansion. Our COO therapist will teach you how to use EFT and empower you to take charge of your emotional state.
Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis, or a trance-like state of focussed concentration achieved with the help of a clinical hypnotherapist. In this state of heightened awareness our clients turn their attention completely inward to find, and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves that can help them make changes or regain control in certain areas of their lives.
Hypnotherapy is used to treat anxiety, phobias, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, undesirable behaviors, and bad habits. It can be used to help improve sleep, learning disorders, communication, and relationship issues. Additionally, hypnotherapy can aid in pain management and help resolve medical conditions such as digestive disorders, skin issues, and gastrointestinal side effects of pregnancy and chemotherapy.
Unlike some dramatic portrayals of hypnosis in movies, you will not be unconscious, asleep, or in any way out of control of yourself. Think of it like being so completely enraptured in a good book, that you block everything else out. You will hear the therapist’s suggestions, but it is up to you to decide whether or not to act on them. Our COO therapist will guide you into a relaxed, focused state and teach you to think about experiences and situations in positive ways that can help you change the way you think and behave.
The spiritual healing art of Reiki works by channeling positive energy into your bodies. Our Reiki masters and practitioners lightly place their hands on the troubles areas of the body and conduct rei energy as needed. This practice greatly accelerates the body’s innate healing abilities, while calming the mind and fostering emotional peace. It strengthens the immune system, removes toxins, relieves pain, reduces stress and promotes happiness, balance and harmony. Reiki clears the mind, increases personal awareness, and stimulates creativity and reconnects us to our spiritual nature.
The practice is a gentle and non-invasive, but it is a powerful and effective energy healing practice.
Reiki is practiced in prestigious hospitals throughout the world, including the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic, and it is recognized by the World Health Organization.
singing bowls
The vibrations of a singing bowl can produce beneficial changes in the body by reducing stress, "harmonizing" the cells, and "balancing the body's energy system." Some also claim that Tibetan singing bowls can stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves, relieving headaches, boosting confidence, promoting focus and energy and attention span.
sound immersion
Sound Immersion relaxes the body and promotes deep meditative and rejuvenating states. While reclining and breathing slowly, our bodies are immersed in a bath of sound as the COO practitioner uses singing bowls and tuning forks to move sound energy through the body to align the system.
When this happens, it helps stimulate circulation allowing muscle relaxation and improved lymphatic flow. Our unique style of sound healing uses specific sound patterns to stimulate the brain and has been found to reduce stress, anger, depression, and fatigue.
We are all made up of different energy frequencies. COO use sound frequencies to interact with these frequencies to re-balance the body's energy.
tuning forks
Tuning forks promote deep healing by bringing our bodies back to our fundamental pulse, bringing our nervous system into balance, and integrating left and right brain thought patterns.
They provide instantaneous, deep state of relaxation, improves mental clarity and brain functioning and increases your level of physical energy and mental concentration.
The forks are tuned to sacred proportions. The vibrations and frequencies awakens the life energy within our cells creating a centered, happy feeling deep inside and igniting a passion and power deep inside us.
Yoga is so much more than an exercise promoting balance, strength and flexibility. Yoga is both a spiritual and physical practice that utilizes a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual movements or disciplines to improve health and happiness.
The fundamental purpose of yoga is to foster harmony in the body, mind, and environment. Through these spiritual development practices we can train the bodies and minds to self-observe and become aware of our own nature. The purpose of yoga is to cultivate discernment, awareness, self-regulation and higher consciousness in the individual.
When practiced with breathing techniques, and meditation yoga is a complete system for physical, mental, social, and spiritual development.
Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union or yoke. It is the cessation of the modification of the mind, and offers the means to attain complete self-realization. Yoga can therefore be defined as a means of uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit of God.
yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is conscious sleep, deep relaxation and meditation with just a trace of awareness. Yogis say that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as 3 hours of good sleep…. but it is so much more.
Yoga Nidra is an ancient meditation technique that guides the body and mind into subtle states of being. There are no challenging yoga poses to hold, or seated meditations sessions to endure. In Yoga Nidra you are reclined and relaxed in a nest of soft blankets and pillows. Your eyes are closed, and your heart is open as the deeply, calming voice of our COO Yogi guide penetrates your soul, instilling you with a sense of internal peace, and leaving you feeling incredibly relaxed, present and rejuvenated.
In this Nidra state the mind is cleared, and the body has the opportunity to regenerate and restore itself from the inside out. You enter the gap between you and your thoughts. Here, you develop a healthy relationship with your emotions, and learn to navigate the stress and anxiety of your life.
Most people who come to The Center of One are trying to change themselves. That is not always a constructive state of mind. Yoga Nidra teaches us to welcome ourselves. The moment we choose to love and accept ourselves profound transformation begins to take place.
Yoga Nidra opens a doorway to a place where you can see yourself, and your life in the most positive light. Unlike other forms of meditation, in which you focus on a mantra or on your breath, Yoga Nidra asks you simply to let go, to just surrender.
Yoga Nidra restores your body, your senses, and your mind to their natural function, and awakens a seventh sense that allows us to feel no separation, while experiencing only wholeness, tranquility, and well-being.
The benefits of a Yoga Nidra practice extend far beyond rest and relaxation and an escape from stress and anxiety. Yoga Nidra can bring about the healing of deep emotional and psychological wounds, and engender a profound sense of joy and well-being. Healing these emotional wounds is how we at The Center of One approach true transformation.
We see clients suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions, insomnia and a host of other diseases that diminish their quality of life. Yoga Nidra is how they clean their minds, so they can heal, and experience the transformation that they deserve.
Check back soon for additional updates to The Center of One's growing list of modalities for energy work.